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Gift Vouchers

A voucher is the perfect present for your loved one.

No expiry date! This voucher simply doesn’t expire.

No restrictions! Use on any package offered on Holidays with Aer Lingus website.

Holidays with Aer Lingus Vouchers

Give the Gift of Sunshine


With a Holidays with Aer lingus Holiday Gift Voucher that NEVER Expires


Are you looking for the ultimate Gift for your loved ones? Why not give the gift of travel with a Holidays with Aer Lingus Holiday Gift Voucher. 


Vouchers can be purchased online or over the phone.


How to redeem your voucher:


Vouchers can be used online using your unique online redemption code or over the phone at time of booking when booking your holiday with one of our experienced sales team.

If you have an existing booking, call us on 01 699 5293 and select options 3 for our payments team who can apply the voucher to your booking.


Gift Voucher Terms and Conditions:

  • Holidays with Aer Lingus Gift Vouchers can be used on all new and existing Holidays with Aer Lingus package holiday bookings
  • Restrictions do not apply, vouchers are applied to bookings like cash/credit card payments
  • Gift Vouchers do not have an expiry date
  • Gift Vouchers are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash
  • Valid only with specified voucher number
  • Gift Vouchers can be used against package holidays only.

Holidays with Aer Lingus Gift Voucher Value

Voucher Details

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